I am a PhD student in the University of Nottingham, UK, under Dr. Michel Valstar and Prof. Alan Johnston's supervision. I am currently funded by Horizon CDT and NIHR Biomedical Research Centres (BRCs). I also have an external partner (Prof. Linlin Shen from Shenzhen University, China) . My current research interests are Affective Computing, Machine learning and Computer Vision, especially the temporal dynamics modeling. The related applications I am currently doing are automatic depression analysis and personality analysis. Before the PhD study, I have achieved my Master degree in Hunan University, China, in 2016. If you are interested in my research, you are more than welcome to contact me or visit my google scholar https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=ZKSL1IcAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao

Submitted to arXiv. A novel approach that can model multi-scale temporal patterns from a single face image.

Proposed a transform algorithm to deal with time-series data of variable lengths. Instead of using some segments of equal length or re-sampling all data, the proposed method not only can learn the global information of each data but also will not distort the original information. Code link: https://github.com/SSYSteve/Spectrum-maps-generation

Noise invariant frame selection: a simple method to address the background noise problem for text-independent speaker verification IJCNN 2018 (oral)
A novel and simple framework to select noise-invariant frames for speaker verification. It can be easy to be applied to other pattern recognition tasks.

Using decision tree to fast retrieve images.
Get in Touch
Computer Vision Lab, Jubilee Campus, University of Nottingham, UK